Linode.COM 2013 Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

Linode.COM 2013 Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

Linode.COM 2013 Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

Linode.COM 2013 Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

Linode: NextGen Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

Linode: NextGen Coupon Codes/linode Promotion Code

1.Linode NextGen: The Network

  • Linode 512 upgraded from 200GB to 2000GB (2TB)
  • Linode 1G upgraded from 400GB to 4000GB (4TB)
  • Linode 2G upgraded from 800GB to 8000GB (8TB)
  • Linode 4G upgraded from 1600GB to 16000GB (16TB)
  • Linode 8G upgraded from 2000GB to 20000GB (20TB)

2.Linode NextGen: The Hardware


We’re investing millions to make your Linodes faster. Crazy faster. We’ve begun a refresh of 3/4 of our entire fleet to a new “NextGen” host hardware specification.  And we’re upgrading all Linodes to 8 cores! Right now. As in all you need to do is reboot to double the computing power of your Linode.

3.Linode NextGen: RAM Upgrade

We’re doubling the RAM on all of our plans. This upgrade is available to existing and new customers. New Linodes will automatically be created with the new resources. Existing Linodes will need to go through the Upgrade Queue to receive the upgrades.

The new Linode plans lineup is now the following:

Linode 1G1 GB24 GB2 TB8 cores (1x priority)$20 / mo
Linode 2G2 GB48 GB4 TB8 cores (2x priority)$40 / mo
Linode 4G4 GB96 GB8 TB8 cores (4x priority)$80 / mo
Linode 8G8 GB192 GB16 TB8 cores (8x priority)$160 / mo
Linode 16G16 GB384 GB20 TB8 cores (16x priority)$320 / mo
Linode 24G24 GB576 GB20 TB8 cores (24x priority)$480 / mo
Linode 32G32 GB768 GB20 TB8 cores (32x priority)$640 / mo
Linode 40G40 GB960 GB20 TB8 cores (40x priority)$800 / mo

Upgrade Queue

upgrade-availHere’s how to get the upgrade for your existing Linode: Log into the Linode Manager and view your Linode’s Dashboard, where you’ll have a new “Upgrade Available” box on the right-hand side. This links to a page describing the upgrade process, which is very simple. Simply click the button and your Linode will enter the Upgrade Queue. While in the queue, your Linode can remain booted.

Once it’s your Linode’s turn in the queue, your Linode will be shut down, upgraded, and migrated to another host. The migration will take about 1 minute per GB of disk images. After the migration has completed, your Linode will be returned to its last state (booted or shutdown) – but with the new RAM!

Full disclosure: the new plans are $0.05 more expensive per month. We did this to get rid of the legacy $19.95, $39.95, $59.95, etc pricing model in favor of a simpler $20, $40, $60 model. The upgrade is not mandatory, so if you’re not down with the 5 cent increase you can keep your existing resources and pricing.

Upgrade Availability

We’ll be enabling the upgrade by data center very soon, with the exception of Fremont which may take another week or two – we’ll be explaining more on Fremont in another post.

Fremont, CA: TBD
Dallas, TX: Upgrades are available
Atlanta, GA: Upgrades are available
Newark, NJ: Upgrades are available
London, UK: Upgrades are available
Tokyo, JP: Upgrades are available

Check back regularly for updates for your data center.

Linode NextGen Recap

This has been a great couple of weeks for Linode and our customers. We’ve spent millions improving our network, a fleet refresh with new hardware and 8 core Linodes, and now this: doubling your RAM without doubling the price. Enjoy!