24 season 5 (11:00 -12:00) Episode 5

11:00 A.M.
The yellow tie man and his team transfer the canisters into a fake police SWAT van. They pull out of the hangar and exit the highly guarded airport.

11:02 A.M.
As Jack is being driven to CTU, he gets a call from Curtis who inquires about the yellow tie man’s possible location for escape.

11:03 A.M.
Evelyn is alarmed to find Martha passed out on the bed.

11:04 A.M.
Curtis pulls up security footage from outside the terminal and he sees the yellow tie man fleeing to a hangar outside the security zone. He goes there.

11:06 A.M.
When Curtis enters the hangar, no one’s there. He sees the hole left by the canisters. Curtis finds dead rats on the ground and he calls for forensics and biohazards to come in and inspect the premises.

11:07 A.M.
The yellow tie man moves the canisters to another truck. He tells his cohort Hank that “the Russians will finally understand the consequences of occupying our homeland.” The plan is to bomb Moscow.

11:08 A.M.
Logan comes to see his wife, who is groggy. She tries to explain to the doctor and Logan that someone knocked her out. Martha tells Logan that she had proof that Palmer called her to warn her about the day’s events. The document was hidden inside her blouse but it was stolen. The President still doesn’t believe her.

11:10 A.M.
Cummings advises Logan to send Martha back to a treatment facility in Vermont. Her conspiracy theories may leak to the media. Logan agrees to have her committed.

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以下是引用郭扬帆在2006-1-21 8:36:10的发言:





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24 season 5 (9:00 -11:00) Episode 3-4

9:00 A.M.
As commotion spreads throughout the airport, Diane is prevented from entering the terminal. An officer hears her say that she has information for CTU.

9:02 A.M.
The gunmen shoot one of the hostages attempting to make a cell call. They take away all phones and pagers.

9:03 A.M.
The terrorists cannot find their contact, Chevensky. Jack overhears them speaking in Russian.

9:04 A.M.
The leader of the terrorists, Beresch, phones the airport police and warns them not to enter the terminal. He threatens to detonate all of his men’s explosive vests, killing the captives. The police drop back, but the airport officer asks for Diane to be brought forward.

9:05 A.M.
When the gunmen move out of Chevensky’s office, Jack climbs up a luggage rack to enter the air ducts from a ceiling tile.

9:06 A.M.
After Suvarov arrives safely, CTU and the Secret Service relax their security around the summit. Buchanan learns that the assassin’s body was found at the refinery, as Chloe had claimed. This proves Jack’s innocence.

9:07 A.M.
Suddenly, Buchanan gets a call from Jack. Audrey asks to listen in. Jack explains that he is in the Ontario Airport where a group of gunmen have taken hostages. Spenser gives Buchanan confirmation that this is true. Jack had followed a lead and believes this is connected to Palmer. Buchanan orders Jack out. “I don’t work for you,” Jack says sternly. He provides intelligence on the terrorists from the inside, and sends cell phone photos of the men. Jack asks Buchanan to look out for Diane and Derek Huxley, whom he sent to CTU.

9:08 A.M.
Novick and Cummings pull Logan aside to brief him on the hostage situation. CTU thinks this is connected to the summit. Logan apologizes to Suvarov.

9:10 A.M.
Spenser sends Jack’s phone a schematic of the terminal. When Edgar can’t match the faces from Jack’s photos, the imprisoned Chloe interjects with a tip. Buchanan realizes that he needs her expertise and he allows her to work during the crisis. He’ll deal with her violations later.
Continue reading “24 season 5 (9:00 -11:00) Episode 3-4″


Orz(也可以写成 Oro、Or2、On_、Otz、OTL、sto、Jto、○| ̄|_)是一种源自於日本的网路象形文字(或心情图示),并且在2004年时在日本、中国与台湾俨然已经成为一种新兴的次文化。





orz 这是小孩
OTZ 这是大人
or2 这是屁股特别翘的
Or2 这是头大身体小的翘屁股
orZ 这是下半身肥大
OTz 这是举重选手吧
○rz 这是大头
●rz 这是黑人头先生
Xrz 这是刚被爆头完
6rz 这是魔人普乌
On 这是婴儿
crz 这是机车骑士
囧rz 这是念”窘”
崮rz 这是囧国国王
莔rz 这是囧国皇后.
商rz 这是戴斗笠的囧
st冏 楼上的他老婆吗
sto 换一边跪
益r2 闭起眼睛,很痛苦且咬牙切齿的脸;另一说法为无敌铁金刚

什麼是 Orz ? 何谓失意体前屈?

失意体前屈,原本指的是网路上流行的表情符号:_| ̄|○

用简单的三个英文字也可以表现这个动作,於是 orz 就开始流行了,
后来,更有 orz 的日志软体、日志网站!
orz 真是魅力无法档啊 …

O是头 ,T是手撑在地上,Z是脚跪在地上

24 season 5


7:00 A.M.
Jack waits to be hired at an oil refinery in the Mojave desert. The foreman refers to him as “Frank Flynn.”

7:02 A.M.
In Wayne Palmer’s Los Angeles high rise apartment, former President Palmer works on his memoirs. Wayne notices that Palmer is distracted. As Palmer stands by the window overlooking the city, a gunshot blasts through the glass and hits him in the neck. From another building, the assassin Haas lowers his rifle.

7:04 A.M.
Aides Walt Cummings and Mike Novick prep President Logan at his retreat in Santa Ynez, California. Logan asks Cummings to look in on the First Lady before the Russian President’s visit. “She can’t have one of her meltdowns today,” he warns. Novick gets word that Palmer has been killed. He is grief-stricken.

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